Monday, August 30, 2010

Sharing An Article.

Came across this article on the yahoo homepage. Thought you might find it interesting!

5 Simple Ways to Conserve Your Makeup

by, on Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:19am PDT

For those of us who use it, makeup can add up to be a substantial part of our budgets. Here are five tips to conserve your cosmetics and save a few bucks.

A Frugal Foundation Trick

Natalie DeStefano, makeup artist at the Rita Hazan Salon in NYC, recommends wetting your makeup sponge slightly before you dip it into your foundation. The dampness will cause the sponge to absorb less product, thus leaving more in the bottle.

Squeeze More Swipes

Get a few more uses out of an almost-gone mascara by standing it in a glass of warm water or heating it up with a hair dryer.

Save Your Mascara Wand

Wash it thoroughly and use it to tame unruly eyebrow hairs or to separate and de-clump lashes. Oftentimes, great mascara application comes from the brush. If you aren't too keen on a newly purchased formula, use the wand from your tried-and-true to see if it makes a difference.

Use a Lip Brush

Slathering on your lipstick may cause you to overapply, which you'll only blot off onto a napkin. Use a lip brush and you'll save product, plus get a more even, precise color. Check out this one from e.l.f. (only $1 at

Line and Shadow—at the Same Time

In a pinch, you can use any eye shadow as an eyeliner. Pick up an eyeliner brush with short, stiff, angled bristles like one from e.l.f. (only $3 at Your best bet is to mist the tip of the brush rather than soaking it, which can ruin both the brush and the makeup. For a smudgy, nighttime look, try applying with a damp Q-tip. Try Essence Colour & Shine Eyeshadow, $2.99;

Hard Candy!

Glaminar Countdown: 12 Days!

So, I did a quick video this morning as I was getting ready for work. In the video I talk about the Hard Candy makeup (I stumbled on it in WalMart) and do a quick lip gloss tutorial.

My absolute favorite thing about the Hard Candy line is that it is NOT tested on animals! If you give me a choice between two products where one works a little better, but the other hasn't been tested on animals, I'll pick the one that hasn't been tested on animals every single time. I always get super impressed with any product (makeup, shampoo, etc) that isn't tested on animals. Kudos to Hard Candy for that!

In the video I talk about their Ginormous Lash Mascara (in Blackout) and their Mouthing Off Sheer Lip Shine (in Scoop).

The mascara, for me, works exactly the same as any other mascara I've used. But tha'ts not saying much because my lashes are very blonde, very short, and very thin. It's going to take some serious magic to make my lashes lush and lovely.

The lip gloss on the other hand is AWESOME. It can be used alone like any other gloss, but it's awesome on top of another lip color that you want to tone down and add shine to. And that's exactly what I do in the tutorial part of the video. I apply the Hard Candy lip gloss on top of a BRIGHT pink lip lacquer by Wet n Wild (Wild Shine in Passionate) and it looks gorgeous every time!

Here's the video and the link!
Hope you guys enjoy it!

Tomorrow I'm going to get my hair cut and I'll be taking you guys on an adventure with me in the process! So excited!

And next week I'll definitely be reviewing Manic Panic hair dye in Deadly Nightshade. Haven't decided on any videos between these two, but keep an eye out for those. Thanks guys!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quick & Easy Pigtails.

Think that pigtails are just for little girls? Well, you're wrong! You can keep rocking pigtails with this updated style. The look is inspired by (but not exactly like) the girl in the movie Sunshine Cleaning. Her name is Emily Blunt and she plays Norah in the movie. It's a really great movie, by the way. But I loved the way her hair was styled for the movie.

See? Super cute, right?

So, this is me showing you how to achieve a similar style without a whole lot of work on your part.

All you need is a comb, two hairbands, and a couple of bobby pins.

And here's the video!

Goodnight guys!

Flower Hair Accessories

Woo hoo! It's my very first YOUTUBE VIDEO!
And, let me just say, that I knew it would take a long time to upload... I had NO IDEA that it would take THAT long. Wow!

Anyway, hooray for super cute flower hair accessories! I love these! You've seen me wearing a couple in some older posts I did. I'm OBSESSED with these!

The pink one is a headband I got from H&M two years ago. I have no idea where the black on came from, my mom bought it for me. It was attached to a hairband, which I didn't like, so I cut the hairband off of it and glued the flower to a hair clip. The peach and purple flowers came from Charlotte Russe recently and they were $5 each. I LOVE these. They have an awesome clip you can use in your hair as well as a pin that you can use for fabrics (like clothes or bags).

There are so many super cute ways to wear these guys. I've seen girls adding them to just about any style. You can wear a single one, or you can double or triple them up.

In fact, last night, I saw a girl wearing one with a headband on it in a way I hadn't really thought too much about before, but it was really cute. I plan on attemtpting the look soon. If it's a successful attempt, I'll be sure to add a picture!

This is a picture of me (and I look rather frightening) with my cousin last weekend. He is the craziest and most outgoing person ever. I'm posting this because I've got my awesome peach flower in my hair. If you watch my video, I tell a story about wanting to ride home from the beach with the windows down... this was the night I did that and discovered the quick floral ponytail trick. I'm sure someone else out there has discovered this little trick before... but, I'd never considered it before.

These flower clips are an adorable, fun, feminine detail. They can work as a pop of color with a solid black outfit as well.

So, here's the video and the link to the video on YouTube. Excuse my southern accent, and music in the background. Overlook my bathroom and it's horrible lighting. This is very literally the first video I've ever done for YouTube so bear with me. It's going to be a learning process. Hopefully, if all goes as planned these will get better the longer I'm at it. Not to mention I'm just using my little digital camera to record. If these start going well, I'll invest in better recording equipment and hopefully figure out how in the world to edit these things.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it and I hope I start getting some feedback soon! I'd love for you to share your ideas and tips and tricks for wearing these cute floral accessories!

Hopefully this video embeds itself properly. If not... I'm also posting the link for the video.



Just an FYI: I have gotten my YouTube page all set up and ready for my video post later.

This is the address:

Get ready for it!

The Makeup Mask

I've heard guys and girls makes comments like, "Look at her makeup. I wonder what she's trying to hide?"

That's the worst attitude about makeup out there, I think.

If a nice, natural look is what makes you happy, then go for that! If you want to wear loud makeup, go for that, too!

Makeup should not be about hiding behind a mask. Makeup should be about having fun with yourself and about making yourself feel great.

You are beautiful.

We are all artists. Our faces, body and hair are our canvas. Paint your canvas to suit yourself. No one else. If you don't care for another artists' canvas, don't trash it. Just remember, you don't have to hang it on your own wall.

Confidence & Individuality!

How To Shop For Clothes.

As if anyone out there needs a tutorial on how to shop for clothes, right? Perhaps. I'm not going to sit here and blog to you about HOW to shop, exactly. I do have some advice for when you do go shopping.

Try everything you pick up on!
I have a hard time following my own advice on this one. If I've only picked up one piece and I'm feeling tired or lazy, I have a tendency to tell myself "It's my size, it should fit, and I like it. I don't need to try it on right now." Every time I do that, the piece I picked up ends up looking not quite how I imagined it would. I don't care how much you like the pattern, cut, detail, style, save yourself the trouble later (and the money in some instances) and try it on!
While we're talking about trying stuff on...

Try on stuff you don't think you'll like.
If something on the rack cathes your eye with it's color, pattern, style... whatever, pick it up! It's happened to us all, after we pick that piece up, we see something about it we don't like, something that changes our minds. It could be anything that makes your mind go, "Whoa... nevermind." I say to you, try it on anyway! It might end up looking great on you anyway. And the part that made your mind do a mental-slamming-on-the-brakes act could end up being a quirk you can learn to love.

Dress the body you have now, don't wait for the body you plan on having or wish you had.
I was guilty of this in the past. I kept telling myself that I was going to lose the weight I'd gained. If I was planning on doing that, there was really no point in buying new clothes. Not until I reached that ideal size. I also hung onto clothes much too small because I had it in my head that I would fit into those pieces again. Trust me, the only thing that kind of thinking does is make you think that your body is not right. The only thing that thought will do is bring you down! If you really are planning on dropping some pounds (or gaining some... or any kind of change) and have clothes you want to hang onto just in case, take them out of your closet and your drawers and store them away in a box that's out of sight, out of mind. Don't pull them out until you can fit into them. Trust me, I'm all for saving money anyway you can. Also, dress the body you have now. Drape yourself in clothes and accessories that you love and make you feel great. This will make you feel much better about yourself. When your mood is uplifted, you can better take youself to anywhere you want to go... even that body you've been dreaming of.

Size really and truly is just a number.
Another mistake I made in the past was when I was trying on jeans. I picked up the size I'd thought I was and went to try them on. Could not get them on. Picked up the next size up, could not get those on. Picked up the next size up, could not get those on! The next size of the jeans scared me so I put them away and quit trying them on even when I desperately needed a new pair of jeans. I didn't try any more pants on at all that day and I felt so defeated! But, I have since learned that the size is only there to help you cut your search time down. That's it. No one is going to reach into your pants and make remarks about what number is on the tag. Not to mention, when your clothes fit you right, the shape of your body (no matter what shape it is) will look fabulous! When you look fabulous, you'll feel fabulous! Only use the size number as a shopping tool to save yourself some time. If the size wasn't there, can you imagine how many different pairs you'd have to eyeball, pick out and eliminate by trial and error every single time you're looking for new clothes?!

Wear what you really like.
Don't base your fashion off of what other people like. Wear what makes you happy no matter what. When you wear what makes you happy, you rock a confident look. Confidence is the sexiest look, period. If you wear things because they're trendy, or it's what all of your friends are wearing, or whatever, when in reality, you really aren't into it, your face will show it. I have a pair of GIGANTIC, perfectly round, white glasses. Everyone I know has a smart comment to say every time I wear them. My boyfriend jokes that he hopes I break them on accident. He tells me I look like a bug. His mom tells me I look like an alien. My friends laugh at them. Note: All this joking and laughing is in good nature, these people in my life would never hurt me... it's just these glasses I have are pretty outrageous. But I love them, so I wear them anyway. When these people make jokes I laugh right along with them. When I get strange looks as I'm out and about wearing them, I flash a big smile. I feel great when I wear those glasses! Note #2: I was the maid of honor in my boyfriend's sister's wedding. I went with her as she was having her bridal portraits done. The photographer (also a friend of mine) ended up taking a picture of me in my glasses because they attracted so much attention from everyone else. But, I was rocking them with a smile on my face. Even with them being a little on the outrageous side, they bring a smile to everyone else's face, too. I like that about those glasses and I'm proud I have the balls to wear them.

Push your boundaries.
With makeup and clothes. I used to avoid practically anything but an extremely reserved lip color because I would think that being in this tiny town of mine, I'd get weird looks wearing something bright like I wanted to. Don't let that stop you! Something clicked in me one day and I started wearing anything I wanted (makeup, clothes, accessories) and I always feel great about it. It's the confidence thing again. Confidence is super sexy, so is individuality and uniqueness. So what if you're the only person in your zip code wearing a hot pink lipstick?! If you love the color, wear it with confidence and I promise you will look great!

Expanding My Horizons.

Instead of only blogging about my journey into school and then into the beauty industry, I'm now going to start blogging about makeup, tips & tricks, fashion, accessories, grooming products and life as well. I'm going to try to start doing some videos to go along as well. I'm planning on recording my first one tonight and trying to post it. Not too sure how well my current recording equipment will work, but you never know if you don't try, right?

I'm really not sure why you would care about my opinions on these matters as I'm no beauty expert nor have I attended school. I don't work in the fashion industry, but I think that I've got some cool and unique view points and I hope that we can share opinions and view points with each other.

My fashion sense is, like everyone else's, based on my likes and dislikes and interests, so I'm going to share a little bit of that part of me with you now.

I'm currently falling in love with bright colors. For the majority of my life, I've been pretty stuck on black.

I like a wide variety of music... classical, metal, rock, electronic, classic rock, bluegrass, rockabilly and then some.

I absolutely love movies. I love to laugh. I'm an animal person.

I'm obsessed with zebra print (trust me, it's everywhere around here).

I like shopping at H&M (my absolute favorite), used clothing stores (thrift stores and places like Rag-O-Rama in Atlanta), Charlotte Russe, Forever 21, and Urban Outfitters. I'll go in and look just about anywhere, though.

So, that's me and my fashion sense and influences in a quick glance. Now, I really want to start sharing with you!

Friday, August 27, 2010

It Keeps Getting Better!

Countdown to GLAMINAR: ONL 15 DAYS!!!

Holy COW! That alone is enough for an endless amount of excitement.

But, on top of that, I received my acceptance letter from FDTC! That means I'm on the waiting list for the cosmetology program. Woo!!! I'm in!!!

Next step: Contacting my advisor and getting that in order.

I should be good to start the program Fall Semester 2011. The last "technicality" I have to take care of is getting my transcript from FMU and taking it to FDTC. Not bad at all. Just have to find time to make the drive and pay the $5 to get it. Then, I can really get the ball rolling!

I spent my evening last night (after a LONG walk with my puppy) reading up in some makeup/beauty books I bought a couple of weeks ago. Trying to pick up on some new little tips and tricks.

Also, treated myself to a set of cheap brushes for makeup application. Cheap because that's all I can afford right now, haha, and because I've never actually had a set of brushes like this. There's a blending brush and five other kinds and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with each of them! Before, I had an angled brush for my eyebrows and two brushes that looked suspiciously close to just plain old paint brushes that came in my theatrical makeup kit in college. Yes, to be so enthusiastic about makeup, I am certainly lacking in tools and practical knowledge. I've spent all my life applying makeup suited for the stage (dance recitals as a child, cheerleading, dance competitions as a teen, then plays in college). However, I'm still learning about every day makeup. But, I like to think that I am a quick learner!

Anyway, it's about time for me to head out of the house for work. It's FRIDAY! After work, I'm napping then heading out with my boyfriend to watch his band play in Wilmington, NC and hang out with some friends for the night! Tomorrow, he leaves with his band for tour. =( But, on the bright side, he'll only be gone for a week... which might seem like a really long time to some people, but we've been together for basically six years. I've known him for nine years. I've always known him to be in a band. This is normal life for me. I've stuck it out with him on tour for six weeks before! After that, a week seems like nothing. Then, once he gets home, I will be one week closer to the GLAMINAR! Ah!

Okay, I'm really signing off now. Must pour, cream, and sugar my coffee... find my shoes... and feed my dog.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Waiting... Waiting.

So, I finally got in touch with the local Technical College. They offer a cosmetology program (which I knew, but thought it would be too expensive and I'd heard there was a waiting list) and it is officially the school I've decided to go to. Tuition is cheap, and financial aid is available!

There is, however, a waiting list... until the Fall 2011 semester; one year from now. But, I'm staying optimistic. It'd take me that long (probably longer!) to save the money up to go to one of the other schools I'd considered, and nearly that long (only a month shy) until I'm eligable for enough aid to cover the tuition of the other school.

It will take me slightly longer to complete the program, but, I'm staying positive about that as well. Longer program means shorter classes which gives me a better schedule at work at my current job when it all starts. I was anticipating working for 40 hours and schooling for 40 hours every week. 80 hours per week does not leave much time for sleep.

I've put in my application at the Technical College, which should save me a spot on the waiting list. Now, all I need to do is turn in my transcrpit from the university I went to.

Even though it's a year away, I feel like I've got the ball starting to roll... and it feels nice!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


First things first... I'm totally inspired by this girl resourcefulness (is that a word??) - Check out her super cute blog!

Next order of business... I officially booked a room at the hotel in Atlanta for Kandee Johnson's Glaminar. It's a done deal! My seat is set in stone and the hotel is non-refundable and non-changable! AH! Looking at the photos online, the hotel looks AAAAAH-MAZING! And, I love Atlanta. Killer combination. Considered bringing my puppy along since it's a pet friendly, however, the charges for bringing your pet are OUTRAGEOUS! So, my Callie baby will just have to stay at home with my boyfriend for a night. Aww.

Anyway, only 25 more days until the Glaminar! I'm so insanely excited!

Moving on... This week I am planning on putting my application in for cosmetology school! I'll be on a waiting list until Fall 2011, but I can't get on the waiting list until I put in the application. Not to mention, that gives me one more full year of putting funds back to pay for school. Woo! I have to go to FMU to get my transcript from them and turn that in. Oh, boy! I've got a busy week ahead. On top of that, I still have to work, keep up the house, and I'm planning on making a beach trip this weekend to see my Uncle for his birthday!

Speaking of birthdays... I had mine this past Saturday!

I just turned a whopping 23 years old!

Friday evening, I had dinner at the local Mexican restaurant with my dad and his girlfriend. It's the first time I've seen my dad on my birthday in six or more years. WOW! Then, on Saturday, my boyfriend took me to see Inception, then we went to dinner with some great friends and family... followed by midnight bowling with some friends. I hadn't been midnight bowling in over five years! Sunday, I got in a little rest then headed to my Grandparent's house for dinner. My Grandaddy and I actually share the same exact birthday! So, we had a nice dinner together and blew the candles on our cakes out together. Sharing my birthday with my Grandaddy always makes me so proud and happy.

That's all for now folks! Will definitely start updating more often now that the Glaminar is fast approaching and the wheels are starting to turn for school!

Here are a few shots from my birthday!

So sweet! My boyfriend and I at the restaurant for my birthday! I'm making a slightly crazy face, haha. I was trying to make him smile! I was a little successful.

Blowing out the candlels on the slice of cheesecake the restaurant brought to me. The only problem... I don't like cheesecake! I tried a piece anyway, and it only confirmed that I didn't like it, haha. So, the slice got passed around the table and everyone else took a bite or two. We all shared my birthday cake!

This is me with my great friend, Courtney, at the bowling alley after my birthday dinner!

Me, in crazy lights, getting ready to bowl. And bowl horribly I might add! Ha!

At my grandparents house, blowing out my candles with my Grandaddy and cousins. This cake was MUCH better than any cheesecake!

Me with my wonderful grandparents!

Me and my mommy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sold Out!

The Friday after I did my first bake sale, I did another one in the same spot. For some reason, it look longer to get going in the right direction. I sat there for the longest time, feeling like I'd made a horrible mistake trying that a second time around. HOWEVER, by the end of the day... I made an even bigger profit than what I made the first time around. I was so pleased with myself. Two Thursdays spent up all night, baking my little heart out, to sit in the heat. But it's ALL worth it!

I went through with the yard sale on August 7th as well. The weather was bad that day (rainy all day the day before, and all that morning), but I pushed through and did it anyway- even after having to start late. I also had baked goodies out for sale there, too. Granted, I didn't earn a fortune at it, but I made more money than I had been making at the bake sales and there's enough left over to hold bake sale #2 on the first weekend in September.

Now, after three weeks of organizing for the yard sale, and baking ALL night... I need some rest! My birthday is Saturday, and I've taken a vacation day off from work tomorrow and I'm going to RELAX. As much as possible, at least.

Tomorrow night, I'm going to have dinner with my dad and his girlfriend. Saturday I'm going to the movies with my boyfriend, then dinner and midnight bowling with some friends. Then Sunday it's dinner with the rest of my family. Hoping for a super rewarding and fun and stress-free weekend after all of this exhausting work!

The GREAT news is that I am confirmed for the Atlanta GLAMINAR! I'm in! I'm in! I'm in!

And, for the record, Kandee Johnson is the MOST AMAZING person ever! I absolutely love her! Seriously, she's AMAZING.

Now, all the money I'm putting back gets to go towards cosmetology school. Hoping to get a tiny bit of cash in some birthday cards this weekend, haha. I've never really asked too much for birthdays before, but this year I have requested money for school.

Will update again soon!
