Sunday, September 26, 2010

Makeovers and New Products and Sharing an Article!

I got a TON of new products in for my professional makeup kit. It felt like Christmas morning opening up all of the packages I got! My favorite things are my two NYX palettes, my Ben Nye concealer palette, and my new set of brushes!

I got an NYX eyeshadow palette with 78 colors and the makeup artist box. It gives me so much to start playing with! I love, love, love them both!

The Ben Nye concealer palette truly works wonders and is worth every penny I paid for it.

My FAVORITE thing about my new brushes is...
100% Animal Cruelty Free!

Who didn't see that coming, right? Haha.

By the way, NYX doesn't test on animals either.

My friend Lauren came to my house tonight and allowed me to make her over for fun! She's such an awesome sport!


And, over the weekend, I got some time to play with some of the super bright colors in my NYX palettes. I gave my own self a little mini makeover!

This coming week is going to get crazy! Starting the Halloween makeup tutorials (since I didn't have time to on Friday =( lame), more birthdays (in addition to the three birthdays last week!), a day date with my boyfriend (our first outing together like this in a VERY long time) and searching for a new car! Hopefully a few more makeovers this week, too. So busy, busy, busy!

Oh, and before I go... I saw this article online. Thought you guys might enjoy checking it out, so I decided to share it!

5 Surprising Ways You're Ruining Your Skin
by Marie Claire, on Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:19am PDT

1. Outdated glasses/contact lens prescription: Anything that makes you squint — like reading or working in a poorly lit room, or not updating your contact lens prescription — leads to more fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area. Get thee to an eye doctor, stat!

2. Steam rooms: We all love a good detoxifying sesh in a steam room or sauna, but Dr. Gross says to limit your exposure to these extreme-heat bad boys because they decompose skin's elastin and collagen. Eeeeek!

3. Running (or any high-impact exercise): "While such exercise may benefit our hearts, it can cause the fat pads to slide south, and collagen and elastin to break down. If you enjoy running, try walking," explains Dr. Gross. OMG — remember on Ally McBeal when Jane Krakowski's character invented the face bra for jogging? It was for this!

4. Not sleeping: Okay, it's not news that pulling an all-nighter makes your skin look like crud the next day, but did you know that chronic sleep deprivation leads to long-term skin probs? "Lack of sleep can be so stressful that it actually causes our bodies, including our skin, to generate free radicals," says Dr. Gross. More free radicals mean you look older, faster.

5. Tap water: Chlorine in tap water can strip the natural oils from skin and cause dryness and irritation, especially in the winter when there is less humidity in the air to balance it out. I can vouch for that — I bought a new showerhead with a built-in water filter and have noticed fewer dry patches on my legs.

Obviously, if running is your passion then no one is suggesting you give it up. But maybe a trip to the eye doctor is in order, and get your sleep issues under control, why dontcha?

Friday, September 24, 2010


There's SOOO much I could say about Kandee Johnson's Glaminar.

I stayed in the same hotel she had the glaminar in, and that was AMAZING and beautiful and the staff was super nice. The hotel promotes energy effeciency (wow, having a "brain fart"... that doesn't look as though it is spelled correctly... it might not be haha). Something I really liked about our room was hidden inspirational quotes all over the place; on notepads, coasters... I have a couple of pictures of coasters in my video. They said things to the effect of "Speak your mind, you're important" (that's not an exact quote) and I thought that was an especially nice touch. The pool was on the 16th floor and it was so cool. Instead of a normal railing, there was like a plexiglass thing all around so you could get right up to the edge and have an uninterrupted (that doesn't look right either, what is with me tonigt???) view. I'm not afriad of heights, but I have to admit, going up to the edge like that made ME dizzy.

My mom and I had dinner at the Hard Rock in downtown Atlanta... and the prices in there will just about make you faint, haha. But all of the staff in there were absolutely amazing as well! So nice! And of course there was plenty to look at in there, too.

I had a little bit of time to pamper myself in the hotel the night before the glaminar, too. Which, by the way, was so nice! I never have time to do that stuff at home, haha. I used some fancy footloose stuff... I filled up the bathtub and sat on the edge reading my Rolling Stone magazine and let my footsies soak. I think you're supposed to put that stuff in an actual footbath... but as long as I kept the water running and drained it along and along it fizzed up right nicely, haha. I haven't been able to get that much dry skin off of my feet since I can remember! And I religiously take care of my heels.

The day of the GLAMINAR was so amazing and so inspiring and you can just feel all of the love that Kandee emits.

My life motto used to be "Good things just don't happen to me" and now I have the confidence to feel like I can take on the world every single day.

And the more I try to be sweet like Kandee to everyone I see, the more people treat me differently.

I was in WalMart on Monday, and the woman in front of me had a normal, short conversation with the cashier. Just like anyone would do at the WalMart check out; friendly but not SUPER nice. When I got up to the check out, the lady behind the counter asked me how I was. When I responded, "I'm doing really great! How about you?" a beautiful grin crept across her face and she said "You don't know how nice it is to see a great, big smile." She spent the entire time she was ringing me up acting as if we were the best of friends. She asked me how I stayed so tiny. Being how I've gained quite a bit of weight in the past few years, that single comment (question, whatever) absolutely brightened my entire day. I walked out of that store on cloud nine. I get so many more compliments from strangers and I honestly believe it is because I try to project positivity everywhere I go.

Anyway, I learned SO much at the GLAMINAR! I made friends. Everyone was so friendly. Kandee's mom is so stinkin' cute and sweet! Kandee has such a big heart and she will genuinely open it to every single person she's anywhere close to.

It was so surreal being able to meet her! She puts so much work into the glaminars. I'm so sad that this is the farewell tour, because I would go back to another one in a heartbeat. If you have the opportunity to go to one of the final cities, GO!

She's not kidding when she says that it is so much more than makeup. That day was one of the best I have ever had in my entire 23 years of existence! Thank you so much, Kandee Johnson!


Here's the video! Hope you guys like it!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Halloween makeup tutorials coming soon! I can't wait! I'm so excited!

P.S. The lines in some of my video shots are happening because of when I dropped my camera dying my hair =( SO sad about that. Hopefully I can replace it before too long.

Frantic Manic Panic

I know, I know... it's ABOUT TIME! Sheesh.

Finally uploaded the Manic Panic Hair Dye video to YouTube. And it sure did take me long enough. Holy cow.

It's been a mess. I've hit a deer and wrecked my car and had three birthdays to tend to in three days, and there's been work and cleaning and cooking... and OH, brother.

But it's up! And it is definitely not the best tutorial ever on how to dye your hair, haha. I dropped my camera while recording it within the first half of the video, and it acted like it didn't want to turn on, and it erased all of the stuff I had done. It made me all flustered and the rest of the video went kind of downhill. Not to mention, I think I rambled quite a bit and I had to cut a lot out to make the video fit on YouTube, haha. If any of my readers happen to be people who actually have met me in person, you know I ramble a lot.

But, it's a decent video to show you what working with Manic Panic hair dye is like, so I will go right on ahead and post it and make myself look rather silly.

So, there's not much else to say about this one. I used Manic Panic hair dye in Deadly Nightshade. I ordered mine off of Amazon for pretty cheap, but if I recall correctly you can get it in stores like Hot Topic. Our Hot Topic closed here, so I shall order what I want online. I love the funky colors they have (even though I have to choose colors that are mildly tame because I still work inside a hospital). But, my FAVORITE thing about this dye... DUN DUN DUN! It's NOT tested on animals! Woo! Who didn't see THAT coming? The worst things about the dye are that it rinses out pretty fast and it dyes EVERYTHING it touches. But, it comes off the skin pretty fast and if you happen to dye a white surface with it, and you catch it quickly, it'll clean up with a little bit of bleach.

In the video, I was being SUPER careful about not getting the dye on my skin until I dropped my camera, freaked out about that, then began worrying about how long I'd had the dye on my head. After that, I got dye everywhere. I just kind of gave up on being careful, haha.

If you're looking for a video strictly for how to dye your hair, please check out someone like Kandee Johnson's YouTube. She has a WONDERFUL tutorial. But, if you're curious about Manic Panic hair dye, I hope this answered your questions! If not, feel free to contact me!

Glaminar trip video is next!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ack! I'm back!

It has been quite some time since my last blog.


So much has happened. I am now able to call myself a Professional Makeup Artist (thank you Kandee Johnson!).

I have videos for Manic Panic hair dye (which may actually be disasterous... it is HARD to turn the camera off and on when dye is all over your hands... and I dropped my camera in the process of making the video, which put me in a fluster...) and of my trip to Atlanta for the GLAMINAR!

You guys have no idea how amazing the GLAMINAR was! Well, unless you've attended one. But this is her LAST tour for the GLAMINARS! There are four dates left, I think. If you're interested in makeup at all, try try try and attend one of these final dates! Tickets sell fast and they're coming up real soon.

I have abandoned "Jessa Louise"... aww. I know.

Jessica Makeup is where you can find all of my stuff now.

Follow me on twitter!

I have a brand spankin' new website:

And I can be contacted via e-mail about jobs at this address:

I will edit the two videos I have real soon (I promise!) and get back to you guys with better and new material soon!

I have some Ben Nye concealer on the way, with two HUGE NYX Palettes I'm extremely stoked about!

AAAAAND it is my favorite time of year, guys! HALLOWEEN! Yes, sir!

The one time of year I get to put my theatrical makeup training to use outside of the theatre!

Ok, so I learned a lot of stuff in my theatrical makeup class that I can use with every day makeup.

But this is the one time of year I can do WOUND makeup... and Fantasy type makeup and all of the crazy stuff not appropriate for every day wear, haha.

So starting VERY soon I will be posting some video tutorials for tips on great Halloween looks. I'm sooo excited about that! The Halloween videos will probably be a series... one video for bruising/black eyes. One for rotting flesh (to use in a zombie look). One for non-specific type wound. I may just do a whole zombie video... hmmm... lots of planning to do! In the meantime, guys, go and check out all of my new goodies!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Leave-In Conditioner

Hey guys!

I did a video today on leave-in conditioner. What I use is Redkin Antisnap and I love it!

Leave-in conditioner is important to use to help protect your hair from damage and to keep it nice and moisturized and looking healthy and pretty. It's especially important when you're using heat in your hair, like blow drying it or using a straightener.

A leave-in conditioner is an ADDITION to, not a REPLACEMENT for normal conditioner.

I don't have a whole lot of additional information for this one, so I think that's it.


We're heading out to Atlanta on FRIDAY! WOOO!

I am still planning on doing a video on Manic Panic hair dye on Thursday, but I'm not sure if I will actually get to upload it that day. It will probably be uploaded after I return from Atlanta.

Also, I will post lots of pictures from the Glaminar! We're not allowed to video in the Glaminar itself, but I will be recording other stuff while I'm there. That will also be uploaded and posted upon my arrival.

Now, it's time for me to finish getting myself and my house ready. I'm actually going to have a date night tonight, which is a very rare occurance for me!

Hope you guys are having a great Labor Day!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just a Quick Update on Me!


I don't have a lot of time for a whole lot of blogging tonight, but I just wanted to say that I'm very excited to actually be getting blog views and video views.

A great big thank you goes out to my readers and watchers!

So, I've lost my current favorite bottle of bright pink nail polish. Anyone out there have a favorite brand they can suggest to me? I have serious chippage problems. I need an awesome new polish!

Can't wait to start hearing from you guys!

Leave me some comments!

I will update again soon, recording a new video next Thursday for sure... possibly another one or two before then.

Yay! Have a great night, guys!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hair Adventure!

Yesterday, I went to my aunt's salon for a quick cut.
We trimmed dead ends off the bottom, trimmed the bangs back into shape, thinned it out, added a TON of layers, and razored it a bit.

In my video you get to see a few of the fields here at my house, my giant white sunglasses I've mentioned in a previous blog, my cute puppy begging for a treat (she wanted to come with me so bad! I felt horrible for having to leave her at home!), and I give you some tips to make sure you can get the most out of your haircut experience!

Tip #1
Tip your stylist! Yes! I'm not sure how it is in other places, but I don't think many people around here realize that your hair stylist will take tips and they are much appreciated!
While we're on the subject, tip everyone who does a service for you. Waiters, delivery guys, valets, hotel maids, tattoo artists & others. If someone is doing you any kind of service, I don't care if they're paid to do it or not, they deserve a tip. They deserve an awesome tip if they do a great job, too.
I'm one of those people who believes everyone out there should have to work in the service industry at least once in their lives so they can see just how hard it is to do!

Tip #2
Try to avoid talking on your cell phone while you are getting your hair cut. It's probably distracting for your stylist, not to mention more likely than not it makes the cut harder to accomplish at all. It's much better and much wiser to be involved in the cut. Don't be overbearing, but give your opinions on the cut along the way. Help guide your stylist in the direction you want to go. A stylist can work wonders for you, but your stylist isn't a mind reader.

Tip #3
If you have a certain style in mind, bring a picture of it in with you for your stylist to look at. They may be able to figure out what you want by a verbal description alone, but actually seeing the style will make that process much quicker and easier and you'll probably come out with a better result.
P.S. Don't use the jargin if you're not absolutely sure what it means. For instance, you might want a stacked style, but the word you use to describe the look is "layered". Unfortunately, those are two different things and you're going to wind up with something you didn't have in mind.

Tip #4
Be realistic with the style you choose. Those celebrity styles may look fabulous, but they're often hard to attain and take a lot of work. Probably more work than you're willing to put in on a daily basis. Take your hair texture into consideration as well. If you have board straight hair, a cut for a curly style isn't your best best. When looking for photo inspirations, look for hair textures that appear as similar to yours as possible. The same way your stylist can't read your mind, they can't alter your DNA either.

My Cut!



Check out the video!

Sharing An Article.

How appropriate! As I am waiting for my next video to upload (from my hair cut adventure yesterday), I came across this article on the yahoo page and I wanted to share it with you guys! Check it out!

Troubleshooting the Hair Blahs editor

by Liz Brody, Shine Staff, on Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:44am PDT
If winter brings holiday blues, Labor Day is notorious for the hair blahs. All that glorious sunkissing is over, highlights turn brassy, and outgrown cuts look more like hay to be baled than anything you might comb. Someone should write a Chicken Soup for the Hair.
We put out a 911 call to the top stylists in the country for help:


Whether you've got flyaway strands, straw-like ends, or an unruly bush, frizziness is caused by the cuticle of the hair shafts not laying smoothly.

Self Help: Rule number one is to use sulfate-free shampoo. "Also, the less you wash your hair the better," says Daniel Bechara, owner of Salon Daniel in McLean, Virginia, whose clients include Liv Tyler, Mel Gibson, and Queen Noor. Post-summer, he recommends doing a rinse with white vinegar to remove the salt, chlorine, and dirt buildup; then a gentle shampoo and a deep conditioning treatment. "I'll give you the trick we do at the salon," he says. "Flat iron [wet] hair on the highest temperature with the conditioner in it. The heat will help the product penetrate. You can also use a blow dryer. After ten minutes, wash it out." (As for the Moroccan Oil craze? Our stylists say the product's best asset is its marketing genius. "I like coconut oil," says Bechara. "But just a drop.")

In Treatment: Hot keratin treatments, like the popular Brazilian Keratin Treatment, will definitely eliminate the frizz for three or four months. The process has generated controversy because the chemicals can include formaldehyde, so it's important to find an experienced stylist or ask for formaldehyde-free alternatives.


Too fine, too thin, too long—for whatever reason, your mane hangs with about as much bounce as a Basset Hound's ears.

Self Help: Product is key. Latrice Strader, owner of Destiny De'Ve Salon in Washington D.C. recommends shampoos that contain keratin. And Bechara suggests styling only with a root lifter and not weighing down the shaft with goop. To add extra body? "The loose curl is really in right now," says Terrence Michael Renk, a stylist at J Beverly Hills who works in TV and film. "All you have to do is round-brush the hair, stick in some Velcro rollers, let it set, and then loosely let the curl fall." If necessary, mist with a very light hair spray.
In Treatment: A cut is the most obvious solution, and we're not talking about an Emma Watson pixie (though it sure is cute.) "You can keep your length; just add some layers," says Strader. Color is another solution. Going darker makes the hair look denser, while highlighting expands the shaft and adds a little heft. A third option, says Renk, is a custom extension that you clip in. "I make them all the time for clients. It's a lot cheaper than a whole head of extensions and you can have it forever."


For African-American women bored with the natural look, there are ways to wake up the hair without straightening.
Self Help: One of the easiest fixes, says Strader, is to plait your hair, wet—you only need five or six braids—and add some mousse. "When it dries, you'll have an intense, wavy texture that gives you a Bohemian twist."
In Treatment: "For my natural clients," she says, "my biggest recommendation is to add color."


Don't cut! If you're growing your hair out and at the point where there's nothing you can do with it... well, there is:
Self Help: “If your hair is bushy," says Bechara, "flat iron it to keep it calm until you pass this stage. Or just use a lot of styling product to make it heavy—gel for curly hair and mousse for straight—and let it dry naturally." For curly hair, he recommends gel; for straight, a mousse. For fine hair, if it’s short, just use more root lifter. And if it’s longer, try braids, which are so trendy now—down the side, in a plaited ponytail, and especially the Heidi braid on your head.
In Treatment: This is another time when a hot keratin treatment can come to the rescue by relaxing the hair for three or four months—long enough for it to grow into a better look.


The 9.5 percent unemployment rate is flattening hair in America along with everything else, as people stretch the time between color treatments.

Self Help: To perk up dullness, try a clarifying shampoo, or add a teaspoon of baking soda to your regular product. If you're past your dye-by date, a great way to "freshen" the hue is to use a color shampoo and conditioner, says Erick Orellana, colorist at Privé Salon in Los Angeles (clients include Emma Roberts, Audrina Partridge, and Sarah Palin.) For the best results, he says, ask your salon to custom-blend a shampoo and conditioner for your color that you can use at home.
In Treatment: You can get even more impact without paying the price of a full dye-job with a professional color gloss, which is also known as a color glaze. "It's a no-ammonia product that adds tone, moisture, and shine, and lasts four to six weeks," Orellana says. This won't cover grey 100 percent, but you can play around with your tone to see if, at your next coloring, you might want to go red instead of blond, or auburn instead of platinum. Terrence Renk loves a hair glaze, too, because, he says, "it smoothes the cuticle and controls frizz." That may be as close to chicken soup as we get.