Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Step in the Right Direction

My minor in college was Theatre and I loved it. Absolutely LOVED it. The class I took that I loved the most was stage makeup. I excelled in it, earning nearly perfect scores for every project I did.

The class went a little something like this: the first few classes we talked about some color theory, shading, techniques, how to keep our tools clean, and highlighting and shodowing. After that, every single class we had to come in, wash our faces, and apply a certain type of makeup and that's what we were graded on (along with our research for the makeup we did). We did everything from how to highlight and shadow your face to make yourself look great, to middle aged makeup, old aged makeup, injuries, 3-D makeup, gender reversal, clown makeup... four months worth of something new for every single class.

I am NOT a morning person, but I looked forward to getting to that class at 8:30AM. I felt good about myself in there. There aren't many things my self-confidence will allow me to admit that I'm good at. I was great at that class.

Having said that, I developed a love for makeup. I don't always have the money to buy the products I want to play with, but I do love makeup. Then, I discovered Miss Kandee Johnson. I LOVE her! In about a month she's coming to Atlanta to do a Glaminar and I think that is my first step in the right direction towards cosmetology. This Glaminar could be a great experience for me and I'm confident it's going to be something great to have under my belt.

Atlanta is about five hours from my hometown, so in addition to the money it's going to cost me to attend the glaminar, I've got to get my hands on gas money, food money, and hotel money.

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