Friday, August 20, 2010

Waiting... Waiting.

So, I finally got in touch with the local Technical College. They offer a cosmetology program (which I knew, but thought it would be too expensive and I'd heard there was a waiting list) and it is officially the school I've decided to go to. Tuition is cheap, and financial aid is available!

There is, however, a waiting list... until the Fall 2011 semester; one year from now. But, I'm staying optimistic. It'd take me that long (probably longer!) to save the money up to go to one of the other schools I'd considered, and nearly that long (only a month shy) until I'm eligable for enough aid to cover the tuition of the other school.

It will take me slightly longer to complete the program, but, I'm staying positive about that as well. Longer program means shorter classes which gives me a better schedule at work at my current job when it all starts. I was anticipating working for 40 hours and schooling for 40 hours every week. 80 hours per week does not leave much time for sleep.

I've put in my application at the Technical College, which should save me a spot on the waiting list. Now, all I need to do is turn in my transcrpit from the university I went to.

Even though it's a year away, I feel like I've got the ball starting to roll... and it feels nice!

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