Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010 Pictures

I dressed up (last minute decision... all stuff from my own closet!) as a gypsy this year for Halloween and here I am!

This was at the end of my night (around 2AM, haha)

This was midway through my day.

I had a couple of makeup jobs to do Halloween weekend as well!

This is the super cute, super energetic Tatum. She wanted Mad Hatter makeup! I was responsible for her hair-do as well.

I seriously need a higher quality camera. Her makeup was so much brighter in person. She was so cute!

This is Chad, post-makeup but pre-costume. Super quick, fun and easy makeup job.

And here I am on Halloween day before heading out to Charleston. Orange eye shadow for the holiday!

In case you guys are interested, this was my costume from last year!

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