Friday, September 24, 2010

Frantic Manic Panic

I know, I know... it's ABOUT TIME! Sheesh.

Finally uploaded the Manic Panic Hair Dye video to YouTube. And it sure did take me long enough. Holy cow.

It's been a mess. I've hit a deer and wrecked my car and had three birthdays to tend to in three days, and there's been work and cleaning and cooking... and OH, brother.

But it's up! And it is definitely not the best tutorial ever on how to dye your hair, haha. I dropped my camera while recording it within the first half of the video, and it acted like it didn't want to turn on, and it erased all of the stuff I had done. It made me all flustered and the rest of the video went kind of downhill. Not to mention, I think I rambled quite a bit and I had to cut a lot out to make the video fit on YouTube, haha. If any of my readers happen to be people who actually have met me in person, you know I ramble a lot.

But, it's a decent video to show you what working with Manic Panic hair dye is like, so I will go right on ahead and post it and make myself look rather silly.

So, there's not much else to say about this one. I used Manic Panic hair dye in Deadly Nightshade. I ordered mine off of Amazon for pretty cheap, but if I recall correctly you can get it in stores like Hot Topic. Our Hot Topic closed here, so I shall order what I want online. I love the funky colors they have (even though I have to choose colors that are mildly tame because I still work inside a hospital). But, my FAVORITE thing about this dye... DUN DUN DUN! It's NOT tested on animals! Woo! Who didn't see THAT coming? The worst things about the dye are that it rinses out pretty fast and it dyes EVERYTHING it touches. But, it comes off the skin pretty fast and if you happen to dye a white surface with it, and you catch it quickly, it'll clean up with a little bit of bleach.

In the video, I was being SUPER careful about not getting the dye on my skin until I dropped my camera, freaked out about that, then began worrying about how long I'd had the dye on my head. After that, I got dye everywhere. I just kind of gave up on being careful, haha.

If you're looking for a video strictly for how to dye your hair, please check out someone like Kandee Johnson's YouTube. She has a WONDERFUL tutorial. But, if you're curious about Manic Panic hair dye, I hope this answered your questions! If not, feel free to contact me!

Glaminar trip video is next!

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