Friday, September 17, 2010

Ack! I'm back!

It has been quite some time since my last blog.


So much has happened. I am now able to call myself a Professional Makeup Artist (thank you Kandee Johnson!).

I have videos for Manic Panic hair dye (which may actually be disasterous... it is HARD to turn the camera off and on when dye is all over your hands... and I dropped my camera in the process of making the video, which put me in a fluster...) and of my trip to Atlanta for the GLAMINAR!

You guys have no idea how amazing the GLAMINAR was! Well, unless you've attended one. But this is her LAST tour for the GLAMINARS! There are four dates left, I think. If you're interested in makeup at all, try try try and attend one of these final dates! Tickets sell fast and they're coming up real soon.

I have abandoned "Jessa Louise"... aww. I know.

Jessica Makeup is where you can find all of my stuff now.

Follow me on twitter!

I have a brand spankin' new website:

And I can be contacted via e-mail about jobs at this address:

I will edit the two videos I have real soon (I promise!) and get back to you guys with better and new material soon!

I have some Ben Nye concealer on the way, with two HUGE NYX Palettes I'm extremely stoked about!

AAAAAND it is my favorite time of year, guys! HALLOWEEN! Yes, sir!

The one time of year I get to put my theatrical makeup training to use outside of the theatre!

Ok, so I learned a lot of stuff in my theatrical makeup class that I can use with every day makeup.

But this is the one time of year I can do WOUND makeup... and Fantasy type makeup and all of the crazy stuff not appropriate for every day wear, haha.

So starting VERY soon I will be posting some video tutorials for tips on great Halloween looks. I'm sooo excited about that! The Halloween videos will probably be a series... one video for bruising/black eyes. One for rotting flesh (to use in a zombie look). One for non-specific type wound. I may just do a whole zombie video... hmmm... lots of planning to do! In the meantime, guys, go and check out all of my new goodies!

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